Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So Sweet!

Every once in a while, I get online, and just search. I usually have some sort of idea of what I'm looking for, but I usually get lost on the internet for a while. That's what happened last night. I was searching for something interesting. Cute. To sum it up, I was looking for something cute, for Gabi.

What exactly I was looking for, I don't know. I can't even remember what words I typed into Google. Just that I came across this, on flickr. And I'm instantly in love!

I wonder if this set is for sale? It just makes me think of Gabi! And Valentine's Day. Wouldn't this be cute? The colors, sort of remind me of chocolate covered strawberries. Just a little tone down. If Valentine's Day wasn't 2 weeks away, and if I knew 100% that this was for sale, I'd definitely buy it! The perfect Valentine's Day gift, for our sweet Munequita. Maybe I should ask our Commadre, about making something similar. :)

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