Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just What We Needed

Days ago, Gabe and I stumbled on Tuesdays with Morrie. On TV. I'd read the book, years ago. But I'd never seen the movie. Let me tell you, it was really good! Very emotional. Touched my heart. In fact, it got me interested in the book again.

On a recent trip to Wal-Mart, we watched as a worker, literally threw crates of movies, into a huge bin. Tons of the them. Then slapped on a $5 tag. If you haven't guessed it by now, Gabe and I are big movie fans. And bargain shoppers! This little run in, made me want to just die, and go to heaven!

We picked through the movies. Finding some good stuff. A couple for Marianna and her sisters. 2 for David Jr. A couple for our Commadre. Who also shares our movie passion. And then, we found this one...

Our Commadre happens to be a big reader. And she just happens to read Mitch Albom's books. Which she got me hooked on too! While we were living in Florida, she sent me a copy of The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Gabe was working. I made my lunch, grabbed my book, and headed outside. I sat by the pool, and read the entire book! It was really good!

This movie was a must! Gabe and I finally watched it Thursday night. So good! Now Gabe wants to read the book. Which, I have to say, is a miracle. He's not a big reader. But this movie really intrigued him. I just can't wait to give our Commadre this movie. I know she's going to enjoy it!

Between, I just realized that I need to read For One More Day, and Have a Little FaithI need to plan a trip to the bookstore. :) And watch 2 more movies! When will Oprah air this again? How about this Lifetime movie?

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