Monday, January 23, 2012


Tonight, I just thank God. For many reasons. My family is happy, healthy, and safe. Did you hear about the tornadoes in Alabama? My heart goes out to all those people! I just can't imagine what they are going through. I've been reading Trina's tweets. Just trying to understand what's going on. And let me just say, my heart is breaking for every one of the victims, of the Alabama tornadoes.

Then tonight, our dear friend, called. To see if we could attend a prayer service. A friend of La Chiquitita, has a very sick little girl. She is in heart failure. And only 3 years old! I just can't believe it. Why does this little angel, have to suffer so? It's incredibly sad!

It made me stop and think. I'm lucky. My family is lucky. Yes, I'm saying lucky. We're all healthy. We're happy. Well taken care of. Gabe has a good job. We have food on the table. And a roof over our heads. Did I mention our amazing friends and family? This just makes me so much more grateful to God.

I think we get comfortable in our lives. We take things for granted. We forget, that not everyone is so lucky. I stop tonight, just to think about all these things. All the things that I am so grateful for. Things that I know, matter in life. Gabe and I are so fortunate. In so many ways. And tonight, I'm realizing just how lucky we are. I'm very grateful for God's blessings.

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