Monday, June 27, 2011

New Blog...and Names

OK. So I've been trying to survive all this morning sickness. And well, it's not going so well. That has lead me, to look for something that makes me happy. Or at least smile. During the day. While Gabe is gone working. And I'm home, just trying to survive. That's when I found this blog. For the last few days, I've been reading this blog.

This particular post, made me smile. It's so Gabe and I! We've been talking about baby names. Our list, is already almost 100 names long! Almost hourly, our name choice changes. 2 days ago, we had a name picked out. Almost set in stone. Ready so start buying our Munequita some cute things. Then, almost instantly, we hated the name.

We've got 4 months of this to go. I can imagine, Gabe and I doing just this. Picking a name. And in the last few days, completely changing our minds. Oh goodness! But really, go read this blog.It's a good one! Maybe I'll learn a few things from Brie. Who happens to be further along this "Mommyhood Road."