Monday, May 23, 2011

Zoe. Peas. Zoe.

One of the reasons, that Gabe and I, were so excited about moving home, was to spend more time with Marianna. We try to spend as much time with our Goddaughter as possible. Being that we pretty much missed, her first 11 months.

It's been great to spend time with Marianna. I'm sure that Sals is often relieved when we show up. Taking one of her ninitos off her hands, even for a few hours, must make things a little easier for her. I still don't know how she does it with 5!

To be honest though, having Marianna, is helping Gabe and I. Not only do we enjoy spending time with her. Teaching her new things. Enjoying her company. We are getting some much needed practice! Yes we are!

Recently, I realized, that she is slightly obsessed with Sesame Street. And I know what you're thinking. What kid isn't? I'm pretty sure, that Maribel has a little something to do with that. She is in love with Abby Cadabby! And guess who Marianna's favorite character is? Zoe!!!

Not the cutest little thing. But she is a hoot to watch! Zoe is all about dancing. I've never seen her without that tutu on. Whenever Marianna comes over, we have to watch Sesame Street, in the morning. Both in English and Spanish. You just have to watch Zoe in her "Zoemobile." With Rocco, her pet rock!

We may have bought Marianna Zoe's Dance Moves. For her birthday. 2 copies. One for her house, one for ours. And generally, it's what we watch, when she wakes up from her nap. Yes, Marianna is all about Zoe! And it's so fun to watch her! I can imagine, when she is big enough, that she is going to want to be a "Lerina," just like Maribel!

One of our favorite places to visit is this website. Marianna will go to our computer, and point. Telling me, "Zoe. Peas. Zoe." She just lights up, when we go to this website! Especially, this page. Let's just say, Gabe and I are stocking up, on things from this page. Oh ya!

Maybe Gabe and I are becoming fans too! That wouldn't be such a bad thing. I think our little one, will probably have their favorite character too! I wonder which one. Until then, maybe we can convince Sals and David to have a Sesame Street themed 2nd birthday party for the twins. Wouldn't that be fun?